Aveeno Baby vs Johnson Baby: Which is Better in 2024

When it comes to baby care products, parents want the best for their little ones. Two household names that often come up are Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson. Both have established themselves as go-to brands for baby lotions, washes, and shampoos, but how do they compare in terms of ingredients, product offerings, and skin health benefits? In this article, we’ll explore the Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson baby product lines to help parents make an informed decision.

Brand Philosophy and History

Aveeno, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, focuses on harnessing the power of natural ingredients, especially oats, which are known for their soothing and moisturizing properties. Aveeno’s products are often marketed for sensitive skin and are recommended for their gentleness.

Johnson & Johnson, a giant in the healthcare and personal care industry, has been around since 1886. The Johnson’s Baby line, launched in 1894, has become synonymous with baby care products. Their “No More Tears” shampoo is iconic and part of the brand’s promise to provide gentle, mild products for infants and toddlers.

Product Offerings

Both Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson offer a range of baby care items, including body washes, shampoos, lotions, and creams.

Aveeno Baby products often contain natural ingredients, like oat extract, which is used for its nourishing and soothing properties. Their product line includes the Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion, Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream, and Aveeno Baby Gentle Wash & Shampoo.

Johnson’s Baby products are formulated to be gentle and mild. The brand has made a conscious effort to listen to consumer concerns about ingredients, leading to a reformulation of their products to remove potentially harmful chemicals. Their line includes the classic Johnson’s Baby Shampoo, Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Wash, and Johnson’s Baby Lotion.

Key Ingredients and Benefits

The ingredients used in baby care products are a top priority for parents. Here’s a look at what Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson baby products typically contain:

Aveeno Baby incorporates natural ingredients, primarily oat-based compounds, known for their soothing effects. Colloidal oatmeal, found in their eczema therapy products, is an excellent skin protectant. Aveeno also uses dimethicone, an FDA-approved skin protectant, making their lotions and creams highly effective for dry skin conditions.

Johnson’s Baby has taken steps to simplify their ingredients, removing dyes, sulfates, and parabens that parents may wish to avoid. Their products often contain mild cleansing agents, moisturizers like glycerin, and a patented fragrance technology that provides a gentle scent without irritating sensitive skin.

Effectiveness and Skin Type Suitability

When considering the effectiveness of baby care products, it’s crucial to assess their suitability for different skin types.

Sensitive Skin: Aveeno Baby products are often recommended for babies with sensitive skin due to their emphasis on natural ingredients like oats that are known to be gentle and soothing.

Normal Skin: Johnson’s Baby products are designed to be ultra-gentle and are suitable for everyday use on normal skin. The reformulated products aim to maintain the skin’s natural moisture barrier without causing irritation.

Eczema-Prone Skin: Aveeno Baby’s eczema line is specifically designed to relieve itching and irritation associated with eczema and is accepted by the National Eczema Association.

Safety and Clinical Testing

Safety is paramount when it comes to products meant for babies. Both Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson conduct extensive clinical testing to ensure their products are safe for baby skin, which is more delicate and susceptible to irritation than adult skin.

Aveeno Baby products are pediatrician-recommended, and many are hypoallergenic and free of dyes, parabens, phthalates, and steroids. Aveeno is known for its commitment to natural ingredients and their potential health benefits.

Johnson’s Baby has taken a proactive approach to address consumer concerns by reformulating their products to remove potentially harmful ingredients. Their products are also pediatrician and dermatologist-tested, hypoallergenic, and designed to be gentle enough for newborns.

User Experience

The user experience encompasses everything from the texture and scent of the products to the packaging design.

Aveeno Baby offers creamy lotions and gentle washes that tend to be fragrance-free or lightly scented. Their packaging is straightforward and functional, with many products featuring pumps for convenient one-handed use during bath time.

Johnson’s Baby products are known for their soft, powdery scents that many associate with the smell of a clean baby. Their “No More Tears” shampoos are especially popular for being gentle on the eyes. The brand has updated its packaging to pumps and ergonomic bottles that are easier to handle, especially with wet hands.

Accessibility and AffordabilityContinued from the previous section:

Accessibility and Affordability

Accessibility and affordability are crucial factors for parents. Both Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson have made their products widely available, ensuring parents can find them in most drugstores, supermarkets, and online retailers.

Aveeno Baby products are moderately priced, reflecting their use of natural ingredients and positioning as a brand suitable for sensitive or eczema-prone skin. While they may be slightly more expensive than some other brands, many parents find the cost justifiable for the quality and specific skin benefits.

Johnson’s Baby, being a longstanding, well-established brand, offers products that are generally more affordable and very accessible. Their commitment to safety and gentleness, combined with a more budget-friendly price point, makes them a popular choice among a broad range of consumers.

Environmental and Social Responsibility

In today’s world, the environmental and social impact of products is increasingly important to consumers. Both brands have taken steps to reduce their environmental footprint and contribute positively to society.

Aveeno uses packaging that is recyclable, and the brand is committed to sustainability through the use of natural ingredients. Additionally, Aveeno often partners with charitable organizations to support health and wellness initiatives.

Johnson & Johnson has a longstanding reputation for social responsibility and has implemented various environmental and social programs. Their “Safety & Care Commitment” initiative is a testament to their dedication to transparency and safety in their products.

Parental Feedback and Reviews

Feedback from parents who use these products can provide valuable insights into their real-world performance.

Aveeno Baby products are often praised for their effectiveness in managing dry skin and eczema. Parents appreciate the natural ingredient profile and the brand’s focus on sensitive skin. Some parents, however, may find the products less accessible due to their slightly higher price point.

Johnson’s Baby has a loyal customer base that loves the brand’s heritage and the gentle, familiar scents of their products. The recent reformulations have also been well-received, with parents expressing satisfaction with the improved ingredient lists. However, despite the brand’s efforts, some parents remain cautious due to past controversies over ingredient safety.


Choosing between Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson baby products ultimately depends on individual preferences and the specific needs of a child’s skin. Aveeno may be the preferred choice for parents looking for natural ingredients and solutions for sensitive or eczema-prone skin. On the other hand, Johnson & Johnson might be the go-to for those seeking affordable, gentle products with a longstanding reputation.

Both brands have made significant efforts to cater to the evolving needs of parents and their infants, offering product lines that are safe, effective, and increasingly aligned with a societal shift towards ingredient transparency and environmental responsibility. The best way to decide is to consider your baby’s skin type, your family’s values and budget, and perhaps to try out products from both brands to see which ones work best for your child.

In the end, the well-being and comfort of your baby are what matter the most, and both Aveeno and Johnson & Johnson have shown that they are dedicated to meeting these essential needs with care and responsibility. Whether you choose the natural comfort of Aveeno or the familiar gentleness of Johnson & Johnson, both brands stand as trusted allies in the journey of parenthood.

Gregor Smith

Creator of EczemaFeed. Longtime sufferer who wants to make a change. The purpose is to provide trusted and useful information to those suffering from the dry red patches and itching of eczema, as well as those who care for those suffering from it. It includes the latest treatments, anecdotal user experience, and guidance on how to find products that may help relieve eczema symptoms.

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